An experiment to put form and structure to frantic and chaotic thoughts...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Jobless and loving it... (Part 2)

"Who knows where inspiration comes from. Perhaps it arises from desperation. Perhaps it comes from the flukes of the universe, the kindness of the muses. "
-Amy Tan


Act 2: The Book

8:30 PM. My friends and I were at Ayala center Cebu, moving from store to store, looking for nothing in particular. An event we attended ended around 10 minutes earlier and they wanted to do some compulsive buying before the mall closed.

8:45 PM. For our last stop, my friends went inside National Bookstore. I had no intention of buying so I stayed outside and just looked over the titles featured in the window display. Several books were on display: The Harry Potter series, romance novels, decorating books, cookbooks, school books, Rich Dad! Poor Dad!, wait... I went back and read the title again: Rich Dad! Poor Dad! Hmm... Sounds interesting.

8:50 PM
. I went inside National Bookstore. And there it was on the anchor area. Several books were stacked on a small platform with the phrase: No. 1 New York Times bestseller!

8:55 PM. I picked up the book, read the back label, and quickly went to the counter to buy it.

8:57 PM. I started reading the book that would eventually change my life.

Waiting... Act 3.


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